How to Eliminate Pests From Your Custom Closets

Brian Franco • 29 August 2022
How to Eliminate Pests From Your Custom Closets

Along with being a danger to the clothes and items you have stored in your custom closet system, pests can present a serious health hazard to you and your loved ones. If not dealt with right away, the problem can become an infestation in a hurry.

The good news is that you don’t have to shell out for an expensive extermination service just yet. There are some pest removal methods you can do right away, all on your own.

If you have a pest problem, you should:

  1. Clear out your entire custom closet.
  2. Vacuum and apply some insecticide.
  3. Make keep and toss piles for your clothes.
  4. Put your clothes hamper somewhere else.
  5. Create a regular cleaning and upkeep routine.

Now let’s dive into the specifics of each step and get you on your way toward having a clean and safe custom closet.

Clear Out Your Entire Custom Closet

The first step in removing pests from your custom closet is to take everything out of it. Not only will this give you a chance to see where the pests are coming from, but it will also give you the opportunity to check if they’ve gotten into any bins or infested your clothes.

The obvious positive here is that you’ll also be able to dramatically reorganize your closet and deal with any storage issues you might’ve had prior to the insects getting into your closet. There’s no reason you can’t have a clean and healthy closet as well as an efficient and beautiful one.

Vacuum Cleaner

Vacuum and Apply Some Insecticide

Many pests leave behind eggs or larvae, so your next step before reintroducing your garments and items should be to do a thorough vacuuming of the entire space. Be sure to use smaller wand attachments to get every corner, nook, and cranny.

After you’ve vacuumed out the area, apply some insecticide to ensure the pests don’t return. While you can go for a strong chemical option, there are plenty of natural insecticides that will work just as well without putting you at risk.

Make Keep and Toss Piles for Your Clothes

Your next step should be to look through all of your clothes and make piles for garments you’ll keep and those you’ll toss. Insects tend to congregate in areas that have very little traffic, so they’ll often root in old clothes that you might not have worn for months.

Once you’ve gone through all of your clothes and tossed out any garments that either got infested or haven’t been worn in some time, be sure to wash the clothes you’ll be keeping to make sure that no eggs or larvae remain.

Laundry Hamper

Put Your Clothes Hamper Somewhere Else

The closet seems like the most natural place to keep your clothes hamper, and most of the time this isn’t a problem. Once you’ve had a pest problem in your closet, though, it’s best to remove the hamper and put it in another room, such as a laundry room if you have one.

Dirty and/or damp clothes can often be a lure as well as a haven for pests. When you combine that with the fact that a closet is dark, away from people, and tends to have low traffic overall, it’s clear why pests will stay there.

Create a Regular Cleaning and Upkeep Routine

As Martha Stewart points out, keeping to a regular cleaning and upkeep routine is essential for preventing pests from taking root in your home. One of the best ways to do this is to set a weekly reminder on your phone. Try to pick a time you know you’ll be free, like the weekend.

When it goes off, do a thorough search of your closet, vacuum, and wipe down all shelves and cabinets. This small step will do a lot toward keeping your custom closet pest-free.


Just because pests have appeared in your custom closet doesn’t mean you have to break the bank to get rid of them. By following these simple steps, you should have a clean, healthy, and beautiful custom closet that you can be proud of!




Premier Closets and Storage Solutions is a local, independent, family owned company specializing in custom closets, garages, offices and other home organization systems.

Premier Closets and Storage Solutions



(859) 492-5218


Monday - Saturday: 8am - 6pm

Sunday: By Appointment

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